Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Change: Making Real, Lasting Changes in Your Life

Change: Making Real, Lasting Changes in Your Life

Change. Sooner or later, everyone wants to change something.  We begin each new year resolving to make changes…

In our relationships;

In our priorities;

In our health;

In our personal fitness;

In our eating habits;

In our ambitions;

In our careers;

Even in our beliefs.

Within weeks, however, many of the changes we set out to make begin to...

- See more at: http://www.stevemcswain.com/change-making-real-lasting-changes/#sthash.459SKlHd.dpuf

Change: How to Make Real, Lasting Changes in Your Life

Change: How to Make Real, Lasting Changes in Your Life

The Second Ingredient to Lasting Change is the Pain/Pleasure Factor

I do not remember who said it but I learned just how true it is:

“When the pain of remaining the same is greater than the pain of making a change, you will change.”

- See more at: http://www.stevemcswain.com/change-how-make-real-lasting-changes/#sthash.i2a50H7K.dpuf

Change: The Most Vital Ingredient to Lasting Change

Change: The Most Vital Ingredient to Lasting Change

It is often out of crisis of death that a needed change is birthed. (Read More...)

Saturday, February 14, 2015

LIVING WITH FEARS: How I’m Learning to Manage Mine

LIVING WITH FEARS: How I’m Learning to Manage Mine

I think my extroverted nature hides my fear of being invisible.

I think my fascination with wealth hides my fear of not having enough.

I think my obsession with food and fitness hides my fear of dying.

Here's what I'm learning about my fears, how I'm living with my fears, and what I doing to manage them.

I hope you'll find something helpful here for yourself.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Becoming a Better Listener: Clearing the Wax from Your H-EAR

Becoming a Better Listener: Clearing the Wax from Your H-EAR

Maya Angelou once said, “When you know better, you do better.” I’ve learned, “When you hear better, you do better.” In other words, better listeners live more deeply connected to themselves; they lead others more effectively; and, over-all, they live healthier, happier lives.”

- See more at: http://www.stevemcswain.com/better-listener/#sthash.MgFB2gZN.dpuf